I had the misfortune of buying a first gen. apple product, which is commonly known as a servere mistake. Apple tend to have bugs and more bugs in first gen products, so what did I exspect? Nothing more than what I got. A MacBook with cracks in the top case, yellow stains and a flickering screen. But I learned to live it, especially due to the extremely bad service my native country inhabits. In Denmark I would have to live without my computer for up to 2 weeks, before I could get it back. Just ponder a bit, about how much ones economy would suffer, if you suddenly went on a fortnights vacation, without cash to spare?
Anyways. So I'm in New York now, and the tainted surface of my MacBook was driving me NUTS, so I went to the apple store, and much to my surprise, they actually changed everything so it looks brand spanking new. And they did it in less than an hour.
Now THAT's service!
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