May 25, 2008

dotmac to gain signficant upgrade?

I was tinkering around with my mac, as I have a predilection of doing, and I noticed something odd about my .mac as I was about to upload some files to my idisk. For some reason, the Finder-window told me that I had a truckload more space leftover than would make any sense. I acknowledge the fact that I pretty much suck at math, but having more than 10 GB of space available should be impossible on a 10 GB iDisk. So I whipped open up the System Preferences, and lo and behold it told me that I had around 95 GB available.


As I had to rush out the door, I took a screenshot of it, to examine it later. But sadly when I returned from my errands, the mischievous behaviour of my iDisk was back to normal.

But is this a sign of things to come from Apple? Given the MacBook Air which virtually has no space for fun, a 100GB iDisk would make tons of sense. And since we live in a wireless world, what do we need actual hard drives for anyways?

Here's to hoping it wasn't just a glitch in the matrix....

1 comment:

Khürt Williams said...

Small storage capacity is what has been keeping me from registering for .Mac. If the 100GB turns out to be available at the current $99 offering then I will have a single place to host my photo blog and sync content accross my Mac's.

Right now I use a combination of Google, Photoshop Express,, and Plaxo.